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About The Blog

The Story

I am a christian single mother of one daughter.  And I find it absolutely necessary to be made over for her. I have be made over by God, and made "whole by God". In saying so, I want her to understand the true concept of  "made over" and "wholeness". So, that as she grows into adulthood, she will  see the importance of them, and set out to become them. What is it that fuels each and every one of us in this world? For me, it is Woman Made Over. I received the call to ministry over my life about 3 years ago. As a result of embracing that very calling, I have chosen to start a blog telling everyone of how His grace, mercy, and faithfulness have shaped me-my life, making me over. I have found such a sense of fulfillment in my own life as I walked into my assignment. I live downsouth, and I enjoy writing about my passions, what interests me, what interests other people, and sharing it with the world-passions such as encouragement, faith, wisdom, and knowledge. I am writing for or to anyone who finds themselves in situations in life, where you simply need to hear from God. Ultimately, I want to reach as many people as I can with my testimony, giving Him all of the glory. 



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"Do not go where the path may lead. Instead, go where there is no path and leave a trail"

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Woman Made Over

Naturally Curious

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Hope for When You Are Hurting

I learned the true importance of hope when I found myself in situations where I was hurting. I found the necessary need for hope, when I...

Make A Joyful Noise Unto The Lord

I wasted so much time griping and complaining about things that were not going right in my life. When things started to go wrong, I began...

Best-Laid Plans

Ever since I was little, I began planning who I was going to be when I got older, and where I was planning to go. You see, I came from a...

Learning Your Purpose In God

I received the calling of ministry on my life about four years ago (in 2014). It was during this time that I began to have dreams about...

The Power of Forgiveness

It's so hard to forgive someone who has done something wrong to you. It's even harder to forgive people when you know that they are...

In God's Timing

As I get older, I truly understand more and more that things are accomplished on His timeline. Things do not get accomplished on our own...

The Purpose For Your Pain

Many times I have questioned God about the many hopes and dreams that I had set for myself. I had hoped to be married with a daughter. I...

Confusion Planted By The Enemy

The more I strive to be who God has called me to be, the more I find myself getting distracted in some way. I constantly find myself...

An Attitude of Gratitude in God

Have you ever heard someone say that a person's attitude says a lot about that person? Attitude helps others figure out when something...

Is Prayer Really Important To God?

Prayer is an essential part of the Christian life. It is fundamental to the Christian faith. I heard Dr. Tony Evans say it best, "Prayer...

Fellowship With God

These days life can be so hard. Situations in life can lead to exhaustion and burnout. One can feel drained and so defeated. It's almost...

The Peace of God

I have come to learn that the peace of God truly like no other. One verse in the Bible I love to read is "And the peace of God, which...

Faith In God

When I was younger, growing up in church, all I would hear the old church folk saying was "Having faith in God is all you need". Although...

Decision-Making With God

Over the years, I have truly figured out the absolute importance of letting God take part in the decisions that I make in life. Sadly, it...

The Comfort of God

Something very hurtful happened to me today. As a result, I could not help but feel confused, betrayed, and honestly-HURT. I was also a...

The Joy of the Lord Is My Strength

As I woke up this morning, I was quickly reminded that the seasons were changing from thinking about the pain that I was feeling, and...

God's Love For Us (His Children)

As I sit back and think of the many times that I have sinned, I am amazed that God has never taken His love from me. I am so humbled to...

God's Covering Over My Life

I had always heard that once you truly surrender to call (giving Him all of you), His covering over your life would be tremendous. I grew...

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