Today, I watching a popular minister on YouTube discuss a current health issue that he is facing. He was saying that one of his viewers wrote to him to say that he should not be putting out content currently, because he is in the hospital; but instead, he should concentrate on his healing. The way he responded to this absolutely surprised me; but, it awakened something in me too.
He said something so powerful in this video. He said that we, as Christians have become so weak. He went on to explain his point by saying that it seems that whenever we are made to feel uncomfortable or in distress about something in life, we put nomore energy into our purpose. He explained that Paul, while knowing that he would be imprisoned and while in imprisoned, he still wrote 13-14 books in the Bible (4 of which while he was imprisoned). He explained that Stephen (who was a Deacon) was stoned simply for the name of Christ. Yet, the minute something unfortunate happens to us in any way, we give up our calling to feel sorry for ourselves.
What he said rang so true to and for me. I say this because of the fact that not long ago, I did the very same thing. Until recently, I haven't been able to write in 7 months because of some of the battles that I was facing. I became so distracted by my circumstances that I couldn't fix my mind to sit and gather my thoughts, to hear from God, regarding my next writing assignment. I was so disturbed by the situation that I found myself in, that I did in fact forfeit my calling, my purpose. I did so because I was weakened by the unfortunate problems and stresses in/of my life during that time. I even had a good friend tell me that in the midst of my problems, I should have still been writing, still giving honor to God in my life and in my purpose. For some reason though, I just couldn't.
But God gave me a revelation today though. He made me realize that if there is a calling on your life, then you have a calling anyway. While it is important to focus on physical healing (healing in general), it is also important that we walk out and continue to walk in our faith, our calling, and our purpose. Once we have fully and completely committed to this, God will handle everything else. He will handle the unfortunate circumstances and situations that we find ourselves in or that life throws our way. He will handle all of the negative experiences we endure that are simply out of our hands. We need not become distracted, disappointed, defeated, or disturbed about anything negative that this life brings. We need only to stay focused on Him, trusting Him, and continuing to do what He has called us to do! Let us not settle for being weak Christians, but people of God who aren't afraid or weakened by what the enemy throws our way-because we know that if we continue to be about our Father's business (regardless of what we may be facing), He will continue to be about us!!!