"Spiritual Warfare never stops". "You just have to learn to keep fighting (Dr. Mike Murdock)." "All battles start in your mind (Joyce Meyer)." Lately, I have noticed an increase in the racing of my thoughts-regarding both general thoughts about general things, and specific thoughts, about specific things. I mean, I don't remember a time when the level of spiritual warfare in/of my thoughts has been quite at this level. If there has been a time before where I have battled such spiritual warfare of/in my thoughts, it had to be very long time ago.
In these times though, I had and have to remember that if and when my thoughts begin to race in this manner-working hard to keep me off course or distract me-that God has given me power to control all of thoughts. In fact, God has given all of us power to control every one of our thoughts! The fact of the matter is simply that the more we become aligned with God, or the more we work at getting closer to Him, the attacks will come. In these times, it seems that such attacks come in great capacity, and with much more consistency and magnitude.
Even though such attacks and/or mind battles have been coming rapidly lately, in my case, I have also felt the need to go in prayer more, and be with God in worship, in order to better equip myself for these attacks, and stay on course-regardless of the distractions these thoughts are trying to bring. Also, during these times, self-control is key in combating negative thoughts is extremely important; instead choosing to direct our thoughts on the ways of God, the word of God, and the peace of God (Brooke Daron 2022).
Spiritual warfare, and mind battles are simply a part of the christian walk, and the christian faith. While they seem to come just to attack the christian or weaken them for the given battle, it can also be said that these attacks can also come to stabilize the christian too, better enabling them to become more steadfast in their walk with Christ. I say this because in true spiritual warfare, the only way to escape or to fight it, is in God, I have found. For me, I find that constant (maybe even daily, hourly (if needed) communication/communion, worship, and reshaping of thoughts are all necessary for the season of spiritual warfare. I have als found tha fasting, praying, and tithing are also needed (in general), during a season of spiritual warfare.
Although it may seem longer, spiritual warfare is only for a season. The problem with that though, is that our idea of a season and God's idea of a season are quite different. But, if we keep our focus on Christ during these difficult seasons, and what He is trying to do inside of us, and for us, we will be able to navigate through our seasons of spiritual warfare, with more strength, grace, and peace.
As we come through the rough seasons in this lifetime, we will become more like Christ, with both our outer appearance, as well as, our inner appearance. We must learn to master our thoughts, our minds, during dificult seasons, allowing God to complete His work in us, and trusting Him to do just that, while guiding us through it. "Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth (Colossians 3:2)."
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