I have often heard people say, "When It Rains, It Pours!" I have said these words many times myself. But I have come to learn that the more I stay in Christ, and rely on Him totally, than the more that the periods of endless rain turn into periods of endless blessings! In thinking about this concept today, I was struck with the idea or notion of the fact that when it's raining (literally outside), He is also reigning (in Heaven and in your life).
And in continuing this thought process, I realized that the periods of heavy rainfall, will more than likely begin a period of endless blessings! I wrote a blog last night that encouraged people to keep their praise posture. Well, what if we kept this same praise/prayer posture as the rain continued to fall? We couldn't possibly imagine how pleased God would be with us! For we continued and continue to keep our eyes on Him, though it may be raining endlessly in the physical realm. And we remain peaceful because we also know that He is still reigning in the spiritual realm. Imagine how many rainy days we could get through or get passed if we simply kept this mindset!
To me, this mindset makes it worth it more me to keep pressing on even.on my hard days, my rainy days, keeping my focus on Him. And because I made the decision to do just that, I continue to experience the overflow of blessings that follow the intentional act of consistent faith in the Master. So I encourage anybody who may be feeling discouraged by the continuous rainfall or rain flow that surrounds them now (in their lives).
And I encourage them also turn that very mindset around! Choose to believe and accept the notion that even though it may be raining in their lives now, God is also reigning in their lives too!!! Make the decision to simply believe this and grab hold of it and to it, never letting it go! He will definitely show you what happens when-in spite of everything that may be going on in your lives-we continue to express and extend consistent faith in Him, knowing that when the rainfall comes to an end, the endless blessings of God will begin!