As I am writing this very blog today, I am full of frustration. There was something that happened to me today at work, and it led to much frustration within me. So, I started talking to God. I have learned that in times when there is no one else to talk to, I can always talk to God. So, in talking to God, He gave me a thought! He made me realize that in my frustration, I was more led to my focus! I was more determined to arrive to where He was trying to take me. Instead of wallowing in frustration, I was choosing to dwell on how this occurrence will play a part in helping me get to where I am trying to go in God. He made me realize that when frustration occurs (in any environment), if you allow Him to enter in, while you are having a hard time, He can shift any negative attitude, emotion, feeling, etc. that you may have, and make it work for your good! That's what happened to me today! And in my realizing that I chose to talk to God, in the midst of frustration, instead of giving way to my emotions, I also realized that I was maturing and growing in my relationship with Him. In allowing my
mood to shift from negative to positive, I also learned that my spirit was made new!
I found myself full of gratitude because I have a job! I found that I was no longer "in a funk" per say, and was able to talk to the one who frustrated me with kindness-not anger! It's truly amazing how God has the power to change anything negative that we are feeling, into a truly positive experience! I am so thankful that in my time of frustration, I was still able to turn to and talk to God, just as I have done numerous times, while I was in a great mood! It's just like I used to hear church people say all the time, "Hallelujah, anyhow"! Even when I was in the midst of aggravation and frustration, I still had something to praise God for! I am so thankful that He is creating in me, someone that I never have been before! It's a priceless feeling!
" Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might". (Ephesians 6:10)