All of my life I have experienced the favor of God here and there. It was never deserved but it was always given to me. However, once I decided to fully embrace the calling God had placed on my life, I truly began to see the favor He had ordained with it. Even at this time, it was still undeserved but He granted it to me. I believe that He did so because I made the decision to release all rebellion that was within me, and I began to walk in total obedience to His will for my life. I once heard a pastor say that favor follows you, when you are where you need to be in Christ. I must say, I truly believe him now. I am reminded of the many struggles that I have endured in my lifetime. And I am more so reminded that I never even had to experience any of them, had I just been obedient to His will to begin with. But, they were all a part of my story.
On the other hand, some struggles I faced were simply for me to be strengthen, and were out of my control (whether they had to occur or not). They are also a part of my story. The simple fact is that each and every part of us and our experiences were necessary (whether they were self-inflicted or out of our control). They were necessary in order to shape and develop us into the people that we were meant to be, according to God. And when we become who God has called us to be, doors will open out of nowhere. Favor-all of a sudden-comes looking for us.
When I first began this blog and podcast, I had no idea what would happen in the process. I just knew that I had dealt with enough consequences as a result of rebellion and disobedience to God, that I didn't want to experience anymore. But, the minute I stepped out on faith and in total obedience to Christ, doors just began to open. The minute I started tithing and sowing seeds for expectation according to His will, I saw strongholds (lack of financial freedom, lack of confidence, etc.) break. I saw generational curses (depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, etc.) that had been passed to me, break. It was an amazing thing too! I say this because I had pushed myself through school, obtaining two degrees (Associates's Degree in Medical Assisting and Bachelor's Degree in Allied Healthcare Management) currently and a certification (Registered Medical Assistant), and finishing my third degree (Master's Degree in Healthcare Administration), I never really achieved the financial freedom that I set out to accomplish. And I still struggled with emotional demons often. But, the very minute I started doing things (God's way) Biblically (paying tithes and sowing financial seeds of expectation), financial freedom came to me! Peace and joy came to me! Love came to me! The minute I started surrendering every part of me to God, that is the very minute favor came looking for me!