" When darkness overtakes him, light will come bursting in. He is kind and merciful-and all goes well for the generous man who conducts his business fairly. Such a man will not be overthrown by evil circumstances. God's constant care of him will make a deep impression on all who see it". (Psalm 112:4-6) I have faced many dark times in my lifetime. There have been many times when I could not see where God was trying to take me. I didn't understand His plan, so I began to rebel against it. I was just so broken and defeated, until I felt that I could lead my own life better. How arrogant was I to think that the One who created me did not know what was best for me! How arrogant was I to think that I knew what I needed more than my very Creator did! But, it was during these times, that I realized that in the darkness that was in my life, God was simply developing me for the greater purpose He had in store for me. He was building me for my role in His kingdom. And in my constant rebellious attitude and behaviors, I was simply putting myself in a deeper pit, and further away from my destiny. I found myself in an unhealthy cycle that just kept going over and over again.
But, when I got tired of running the same race, playing in the same game, never fully reaching my potential, I began to study God more and more. I wanted to walk so closely with Him, that when the darkness came, I knew that eventually, I would see the light. I wanted to grow so intimately with Him and in Him, that I would also become wise enough to allow Him to direct my paths. I wanted to be better equipped for when the darkness came. I wanted to reach a place where I was always hopeful, always peaceful, and always joyous. It was during the times where I felt I had no peace, that I learned the importance of chasing peace. I learned that having continual peace truly was priceless! And although I battled over and over again, experiencing such turmoil-in order to reach continual peace-I still knew the importance of allowing God to control my life. I had done enough damage to myself! I had done enough of controlling my own life, and reaping devastating consequences and disastrous circumstances. I knew that after, somehow, returning to the same pit, that I was far better off, surrendering my very will over to God. And though sometimes, I still don't quite understand what He is doing in my life, I know that He will always be with me in times of trouble. I have learned to trust Him, even during these times. I learned that He is always there for me when darkness falls.