The past few weeks have shown me the true importance of mastering my desires in life so that they don't become distractions in my life. I have learned just how easy it is to become so distracted, so preoccupied, with the issues of life, that I began to miss God in what He was trying to do in this season of my life. And as a result, I began to feel frustrated and confused about what was really happening in my world. And the fact that I could not figure out the very next move of God for me, I began to feel depressed and a little discouraged at where I found myself at this time. My peace had began to dissipate before I had even taken the time to figure out that it REALLY was slowly disappearing.
But isn't that how the enemy works? He creates an atmosphere of chaos and confusion subtly. He moves slowly and under the surface so that we don' t catch it right away. This is why it is so important for us to keep personal desires at bay, and learn to simply depend on God. We have to learn to chase God and His instructions for us so that we can have what He has already promised us! We must learn to chase God, regardless of what season we find ourselves in! God's directions never lead to distractions, and ultimately, destruction! It is our own desires that lead us to distractions, and ultimately, destruction!
I encourage anybody to use this time wisely-while we all have been asked to stay at home, unless it is a necessity-chase God! Study God! Learn where He wants you to be! And learn to train your own desires to not override what God has already promised you!