"Pain can be a distraction or it can be a doorway of opportunity to know God better". (Dr. Charles Stanley) "Whatever has your focus has you!" (Dr. Charles Stanley) It is so important for us to be healed and whole in this life. I say this because if we do not become healed or whole, then every single pain that we experience in this life will drag us down little by little, day by day. When we do this, we loose our peace more often, our faith more often, and our joy more often because we are not healed or whole. And when we become this person, we cause all of those around us to suffer too! We do this because we become toxic due to unresolved negative feelings and negative emotions. We become toxic because of our unhealed trauma-making it impossible for us to truly become whole. It took me so many life experiences (and getting so low in my emotions and my thoughts), before I realized that as long as I held onto every single painful and hurtful thing that I have endured, I would continue to be broken. I would will continue to experience brokenness and distractions, which would continue to delay me in fulfilling or reaching my destiny and my purpose.
But when I made the choice to become healed and whole, despite what I had gone through and what I had seen in my lifetime, I saw the gates of heaven open more and more upon/over/in my life. And the gates of hell continued loose power and control upon/over/in my life! Because God was pleased with me! For I had reached the place that He had been leading me to for so long! So just as I made the very best and worthy decision for myself and for my life, it is so important that you make the best and worthy too! He waits for you as well! He continues to wait for all of us! We all should arrive to a place where healing and wholeness are our only way of life! And we should learn to walk in this way fully and unashamed every single day! We all need to learn the importance of healing and wholeness! And we all need to make the decision to be too whole to be toxic! Let us all learn to walk this path in life full of peace, joy, favor, and faith! Because we have all learned the very importance of healing and wholeness!