"Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage" (Galations 5:1). Before I finally learned that there is truly power in my words and my tongue, I continued to keep myself in bondage! I continued to keep myself trapped in negative circumstances, negative environments, etc., because I never stopped to really consider how powerful my words were, my thoughts were, my environment was! Even though I had heard many times as a child, that the power of life and death lies in my own tongue (Proverbs 18:21)I never really stopped to consider just how much truth it covered, until I saw myself in pit after pit, never truly getting out! "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof" (Proverbs 18:21). I never thought that I could actually speak positivity in my life, and in truly believing those very words, I could witness the power of God manifesting in my life-changing every single negative circumstance I had ever experienced for the better.
Before my better ever came, I never knew that my better would come! I say this because instead of focusing on better days to come or better ways to deal with the negative experiences, circumstances, etc.,my life, I seemed to focus only on what was going wrong in my life. I didn't know then, that I continued to keep myself in bondage-by my thoughts, my actions, and my reactions. In doing so, I had given the enemy license to keep me in a world full of chaos and confusion. But the very second I started acting and reacting better and thinking better thoughts,then better finally came! I had released myself from bondage, and had given God license to bless me and keep me-effectively relinquishing the power that the enemy had over me! It was during this time that I learned that bondage truly is a trap that we place ourselves in! It is truly a veil; that we place on ourselves, leaving us more and more vulnerable for attacks of the enemy. Unfortunately, it also blocks God from being able to bless and restore us to all fullness thereof! But until we realize this, we will be trapped in the bondage of negativity (thoughts, words, actions, reactions, and results). Give God the license to release you from all things that are unlike Him today! He promises freedom from anything that holds us bound!