"For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God". (Hebrews 3:4) It took me years to realize the importance of owning my own faults and failures, and stop using everyone else and everything else as a scapegoat . I had to learn that in order for me to become who I was meant to become in the eyes of God, I had to be willing to accept those things within me (good or bad) that needed attention, and needed to be fixed. If we never accept responsibility for our actions and wrongs, how can we ever develop into the powerful man or woman of God that He has ordained us to be? How can we ever grow into being mighty warriors for Christ, if we are not willing to look into the mirror for correctness? I mentioned in an earlier blog that I tried to serve the Lord faithfully, and the world too. But, He showed me that in order for Him to truly redeem and restore me, I had to own my own stuff! He showed me that I would never enter into the absolute overflow that was purposed for my life. until I was willing to mature in Him, and follow only Him! I had to learn to stop partaking in rebellion because things did not happen on my time clock! I had to learn to stop allowing every single distraction that occurs to take my mind off of God! I had to learn to keep pushing and keep going in my faith, regardless of what I was currently experiencing! I had to learn to do what He called me to do, simply because He called me to do it! I had to learn to do this, even when there was not s single explanation given! Why? Because God called us to obedience! He called us into submission to His will, to His way, to His plans! And we can never get to that very place, if we are not willing to own our stuff!
Elevation comes only when we are obedient and submissve to the will of God. And in doing so, we, become qualified for the next level in Him! Elevation will not come when we are too busy trying to do things our own way! We must learn to own our own stuff, if we want to receive what God has ordained for us to have. When we refuse to own our stuff, we continue to miss the blessings of God, because we do not honor what He has told us to do. Until we learn to own our own stuff, repent, and do better, we will NEVER see the plans of God come into fruition in our lives. So, ask yourself today. Am I holding myself back from what God has promised me-the blessings, the overflow, etc.-because of my refusal to own my own stuff? I guarantee you that once you have been in that place long enough-where nothing works and where nothing changes(it's becomes like a never-ending cycle-you will be more willing to honor God and follow what He tells you to do. In this, you will learn to own your own stuff!