"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us (Romans 8:18)." Sometimes, the things that
we go through in this life all seem to be for nothing, or for no reason at all. Sometimes, it seems that life just continues to be hard-for extended periods of time even. I had to learn though, that life is never hard for no reason when we choose to walk with God. Yes, it is true that life gets hard or harder as a direct result of disobedience and rebellion to the will and word of God for our lives, or life can get or be hard as a direct result of poor decision-making. However, even then, once we learn to do better and be better the next time, as well as, the times to come, we are then, better able to shift such negative circumstances. The problem with this shift is that it appears that the suffering goes on forever, until such a shift takes place.
When I started having this experience more often than I care to remember, it was at this place that I realized/learned that there is and will always be a preparation period, before God's plans occur in our lives. We have to go through some things, in order to grow or reach where God is taking us. We have to go through valleys in this life (even if they are of our own making), before we can ever reach the mountaintops. Our preparation is always for His plans! Never grow tired of the pain (even though it seems so hard many times), because it is part of the process! Process precedes progression! Progression leads to purpose! Our pain is always for our-and God's purpose! We are never left high and dry (per say, or simply lost) for no apparent reason. If we continue on, God's plans for our purpose will be eventually be revealed in our pain. We just simply have to commit to the journey, or simply just keep going. So, I encourage anyone reading this blog entry to simply never give up or give in, or even get too distracted by the pain and suffering that you may be feeling or enduring-at any given time. Simply trust God, and trust that while valley experiences will happen, eventually mountaintop experiences will happen too. For you are in preparation for God's plans!
"After you have suffered a little while, the God of grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you
(1 Peter 5:10)."