This has truly been a season of learning for me. I have learned to keep my peace more than anything else-regardless of what's going on around me and within me-at any given time. I have even learned the importance of limiting the presence of others in my life, who have not yet healed from their own wounds and who may be still swimming in their own sea of storms. I say this because I had to learn that as long as I allowed embattled people into my world-the ones who have yet to heal and refuse to-then eventually, I would become embattled all over again too! Once I allowed this into my atmosphere-my environment-continually, then eventually, this would affect me as well! I had to remember that God has brought me too far in my healing and peace, for me to simply go back to being broken! Not that we all haven't experienced brokenness at some point in our lives, but why stay there? Why not make the choice to be whole? Once we have been set free from such chains, we must make the choice/decision-daily- to stay free! I had to learn that it was my own thoughts that put me in an endless tailspin, when I was chasing healing and peace. I had to also learn that I could never reach them, because I kept the same thoughts about my pain. And these thoughts-alone-kept me in a pit! My learning season has been one that has been absolutely NECESSARY for my growth as a Woman of God! It was needed in order for Him to take me to the next level in my journey, with Him! He had to search me, in order to mold me into who He has already ordained me to be! "Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good." (1 Peter 2:2-3)
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