While I was at work a few days ago I had an interesting conversation with one of the physicians there. He seems to believe in or places more emphasis on nature and being good to one another, as opposed to simply believing in God and His word; as well as, all that he has done, can do, is doing, and will do. He stated something that made me think on a deeper level about things. He said that he really felt that the idea of God is a simple false hope that people believe in. I thought about that statement, and I countered it with this one. I said, "Yes, He is truly our hope, but there is nothing false about Him. In fact, I would even venture to say that there have been so many times in my life where God was my only hope, and because of that fact, that truth, He was also Him!!!"
What I meant by this statement is simply that in the absolute worst times in my life, because God was my hope, He was able to be Him in my situation(s)! He stayed the enemy over my mind! He opened the right financial door(s) when I needed Him too! He made my daughter act right when she decided to act out! He made me be at peace when so much chaos was going on around me! He simply made a way, when I needed Him too! He was simply Him! I could go on all day talking about the many things He's been to me and done for me right when I needed Him too!!! So to flow up with this physician's statement, my answer is yes! He is our hope! He has certainly been my hope! There is nothing false about Him! He has not only been my hope, he has simply been Him-performing in my life, as only He could! He has simply been Him! As the old church people uses to say, He has been and is our all in all, our everything! My and our eternal and everlasting hope!