Many times I have thought to myself how my life would be different today, if I continued to make bad choices/decisions, and walk in rebellion, rather than change my ways and live totally for God. I often think of the pits and ditches that I would still be in today, had He not reached low enough to pull me out of them all. I had to go all the way down, before I could see just how God could lift me all the way back up again. I had to fall first, before I was able to fly. But on the way down, I realized just how much I needed Him, and how low I had taken myself down. But in His picking me up again, fully restoring me, He also filled me with His love, joy, and peace! Because of this, I became a new person-inside and outside! I became who He had called me to be from the very beginning. I became healed and whole, fully complete in Him! And before I knew it, I didn't need worldly things and vices that I had held onto before (in the past) anymore. I had held onto these things for so long because I thought I needed them! I had become so accustomed to chaos, confusion, and brokenness, that I learned how to simply survive in such an environment, and with so many negative emotions. I didn't know that I could live life, surviving successfully, while in a place of peace, joy, and wholeness!
He showed me a better way! But had I not gotten so low in life to begin with, I never would have experienced His love for me! I never would have put in time and effort to get to know Him intimately, being willing to align my life with His plans and purpose for me! And I never would have made the decision/choice to let my life serve Him. This is just my story though. But the fact of the matter is, we all have our own story don't we? We've all come from something/somewhere! But the absolute BEST ending result for everybody's story or even anybody's story-regardless of what we all have gone through, in this life-is to LET YOUR LIFE SERVE HIM! You'll grow better and you'll glow better! And you will become exactly who He has called you to be since the very beginning! We've all made enough wrong choices! So let us begin to make the right choice! Let us all begin to let our lives serve Him!