"For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning". (Psalm 30:5) Sometimes the trials in life seem to go on forever! I mean it just never seems to end! And though these roads tend to be long, we make them extremely longer, by believing the the pain will never end. I wish I could say that I successfully navigated through all of the trials and tribulations in my life, in a very short time period. But, that is not the case! Many of the battles I fought went on much longer than they should have; because I was fighting them the wrong way! I gave way to sadness, pity parties, anger, bitterness, and even hatred. And never did I think about the Bible verse that we have all heard at some time or another, "Joy comes in the morning"! I was so focused on the problem or pain itself, that I missed the opportunity to adjust my own attitude, while I endured through it!
In doing this, I caused the suffering to be much worse than it had to be. Even if it did feel like the darkness would never end, at least I would have been better equipped to deal with it; because I kept a positive attitude about it, And positive attitudes, in dark times, are vital to overcoming these much sooner. But now I have learned after extended periods in the wilderness, that joy really does come in the morning! And I have now learned that no matter what comes my way in this life, I will strive to have a positive attitude, while going through it! And this alone, calms my spirit, matures me, strengthens me, and develops me into the woman God has called me to be. And it will for you too! He has already told us that joy comes in the morning! So while we wait for that morning to come, let's work on ourselves through the process. God never wastes any of our pain! And neither should we! Let us just hold on during dark times, in trials and tribulations! Because joy really does come in the morning!