While chaos and confusion seem to be the norm noways, I have come to learn the true importance of holding on to my peace. I have learned to maintain this very peace, in the midst of the continual trials and tribulations of this life. Regardless of what goes on around me-and even, within me-it is still so necessary to hold on to my peace! It is peace that has gotten me through some of the most difficult seasons of my life. I had to learn to be peaceful, in the midst of sheer storms and through so much personal pain. I often tell people today that "I had to go through so much turmoil, in order to get to peace"!". I had to learn to hurt before I was able to heal! It's no secret that there are many reasons for us all to be bound by the issues of life, and of this world. There are many reasons for us all to stumble and fall, because of the many troubles that seem to come continually-without fail! But if we learn to be peaceful throughout everything that comes our way, we would also learn to see the absolute realness of God! His true power working through us-even when it hurts the most! He has called us all to be peacemakers (Matthew 5:9)-regardless of what we may be facing! "And when we wear that gospel of peace like shoes on our feet, it provides us with a preparedness—a firm foundation—that allows us to keep a sure footing in life’s more difficult moments." (Dave Johnson 2020) So during these trying times, make the choice consistently and continually to be peaceful through it all-keeping our eyes and our spirits attuned to Him, who He is, and what He is doing in our lives! "“Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.” (Jeremiah 33:6)
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