In this new season that I have entered, I have found that I have been tested more than ever before, I think. It just seems as though the battles are more consistent and more continual, leading me to depend more and more on God. This season has led me to chase the peace of God more than ever before. This season has taught me the raw importance of simply being thankful-in all circumstances, and to still be here, with a sound body and a sound mind.
It's not that I haven't had other difficult or challenging seasons before in my life; however, I feel the call of God on/in my life more than ever in this season. As a result of this, the tests have to become greater. While I (as well as others) may call this season one of many tests and trials, perhaps God calls or sees this season as one of pruning and preparation for the next level of anointing that God has ordained for me.
Despite the suffering that I have endured during this season though, I have never been more contented or more joyous in such suffering. In spite of the fact that I have found myself in the "fiery furnace" (Daniel 3:23) more than I'd like to or prefer to be in this season, I simply couldn't be more peaceful or satisfied/contented to still be in the palm of the Master's hand. It's like I have said before, and have said numerous times before also, when God decided (at different times, in different places in my life) that it was time to do another or a greater work in me, I simply let Him. I simply allowed Him to create in me a clean heart, and a renewed spirit for Him, and for the calling He has on my life (Psalm 51:10-17).
On this road, one thing I have truly learned is that either we adhere to the pruning and molding of God voluntarily, or we will have to do so involuntarily. If we choose the latter, the tests and trials will certainly bring us to our knees in the worst possible way and for the worst possible reason(s). On the other hand, if we choose the first, each battle will keep us on our knees-but in the best possible way and for the best possible reason. Either way, God will get the glory in our lives, and He will get the purpose that He has already ordained for us. He never wastes ANY of our pain or suffering! So, why not just let Him the great work in you that He has purposed, and continue to be kept (in all circumstances-good or bad) by Him? He loves us, and His ways are not our ways, His thoughts are not our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). Let Him do the work in you that needs to be done, regardless of how much it feels or how uncomfortable it may be. Let Him continue to hold you in the palm of His mighty hand, and to cover you, as you become the very person He has called you to be! We are all here for a reason! Why not call on Him and depend on Him for the answer? For the journey will certainly be worth the struggle in the end.