In writing this particular blog entry, I am reminded of how often I heard the terms "growing pains" as a child. During that time, I didn't really relate "growing pains" to anything else other than physical growth in the body, such as height. But what if "growing pains" could also be equated to spiritual authority and spiritual maturity in life, so that we can be better aligned with God, and His plans for our lives?" What if "growing pains" can be referred to the usage of the bad experiences in life, turning them into good opportunities to grow in God, and follow Him? As I have gotten older, and have grown into adulthood, I now realize that "growing pains" can very well relate to any situation in the physical sense, as well as, the emotional/mental and spiritual sense. Growing pains are supposed pains in a person, as their bodies continue to grow with their age. However, in the emotional/mental sense, growing pains still means pain, but to me, it refers to pain in the developing of emotional stability to overcome the hard times in life. When we grow emotionally/mentally, we learn how to handle situations more effectively and more proactively. In the spiritual sense, "growing pains" refer to effective and sufficient growth,in the soul, in the mind, and in the spirit;, as we continue to grow through and go threw the difficult seasons in life, that benefit us the future, but may hurt in the present.
A person may experience growing pains while birthing spiritual changes in their lives, and in their negative behaviors and attitude; because, negative emotions are decreased or eliminated with continual spiritual growth. It's not surprising that growth does not come easy; but it does come with consistent effort. If true growth is to occur in a person ,then a certain season has to occur in life, where this person moves from level to level-when a person moves from feelings of depression, discouragement, and defeat, into a place in where they may feel the same negative emotions; however, they choose to turn the unfortunate experiences (that brought such negative feelings about) to opportunities to adhere to the will of God and advance in the kingdom of God. There has to come a point in time when a person consistently and continues to utilize these painful experiences as opportunities of grow and mature, allowing them to become more closely aligned with the will of God for their lives.
Growth is a mindset! Growth is a decision! A person has to have the mindset to want growth, and make it a point to navigate through the seasons of "growing pains" in life that allows them to grow. They have to make the decision to use unfortunate situations and circumstances in life as opportunities to grow. Growing pains are so important to the Christian walk! God never stops growing us and pruning us. But in order for us to reach the very place that He wants us to be, we have to be willing to accept and embrace the "growing pains" or the difficult seasons that will get us there. Let us develop our minds spiritually, and extend obedience to God! Let us make the right decision today! Make the choice to see "growing pains" as needed GROWTH for this life and for our spiritual walk and not just PAIN!