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He Has Equipped You For The Battle!!

Writer's picture: Carmen CalhounCarmen Calhoun

If I had tapped into this years ago, I would have saved myself a lot of trouble, and bad experiences. I was so hard-headed and determined to do things my own way. And no matter how often or how much I faltered, I continued to force my own will in things. It was because of my stubborn nature that I continued to disobey God, and repeatedly enter detrimental cycle after cycle. Why is it that the many times we fall because of our own rebellion is still not enough for us to simply do things God's way? Why do we bring so much suffering on ourselves by continuing to walk in total disobedience to God? And why is it in these times that we want to fault Him for things not working out the way WE wanted them to? When I decided that I was going to completely live for God, and walk in His ways, my stubborn nature was one of the hardest to get rid of. I had fallen on my face so many times because of my own poor decision-making; and yet, I still did not learn my lesson. I had to be dragged all the way to the bottom, before I finally realized how far off track I allowed my rebellion to take me. And in order for me to get back on track, I had to learn complete and total humility to where He was trying to take me. I had to realize that I needed to have better control over my own flesh and rebellion, in order to become what God was creating in me.

Once I made the decision to do just this, I also received a revelation. I received the revelation that God had already equipped me for the battles ahead. But I kept falling short of the victory in my life because I was too rebellious to fully surrender to His will.. But after I learned that I had brought so many things, so much turmoil on myself, I began to embrace the idea that He had indeed, already equipped me for the battles ahead. And the more I embraced humility and obedience, the more I began to witness victory after victory, occurring in my life. I had kept myself bound for so long that I didn't even have peace anymore., in any area (in my life) In my rebellion, I had literally given the enemy permission (indirectly) to take away all of my peace. I had truly placed myself in a cage with no key! But when I realized how much power I had given to my rebellion, and how much harm it had caused me every time and over time, I also realized how much I set myself back, and how important it was for me to grow and mature, and surrender to the will of God. And when I finally did, I experienced so much peace, and so many victories (inwardly and outwardly). So I encourage anybody today, God has already equipped you for the battle. But what is it in you that is keeping you from seeing the victory? Nothing has changed. And He will NEVER change. "His word still calms the turmoil in our lives". (Billy Graham). It is we-ourselves who continually miss it, because we will not put down or lay down our own stubborn will, or our own rebellion, so that He can fill us up with Him. Let us learn to focus more on releasing ourselves from such detrimental personality traits and habits, and learn adhere to His will and His word in our lives. We must learn to stay close to Him. because His word brings peace, clarity, and direction, in every area of our lives.He can continue to complete a great work in us if we allow Him too!

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