I have often heard the saying, "People are afraid of what they do not understand." For a long time, I pondered exactly what was meant by this statement. I wondered why people would be afraid of certain things, just because they did not understand them. The answer finally came to me when I found myself in the position of being afraid of something simply because I did not understand it. What I mean is, I found myself (in various times of my life) running to the familiar pits of shame, hurt, guilt, and brokenness, etc. Why? Because I did not understand what it truly meant to be free. Because of this, I really was afraid of truly being free. As shocking as that sounds, I distinctly remember asking myself on numerous occasions, what is my life going to be like now, if I don't have my brokenness to blame for my bad decision-making and for my shortcomings? What excuse will I have now for repeated reckless behavior, with devastating consequences? What reasons will I have now for continual rebellion, if I am truly set free? I had to realize that one of the reasons that I was holding on to the negative cycles in my life, and continued to fall in them, was because I was using them as scapegoats to avoid growth and maturity in my relationship with God. I had to truly learn that in getting closer to God, I would not be able to hold on to my worldly desires and habits too! I had to learn discipline and accountability in/for my actions and behaviors. Until I arrived at this point, I would always be in a place in life that I call "familiar pits." I would never be able to escape what I kept placing myself in.
I had to also learn how unhealthy, unfulfilling and unbecoming this pattern of life was. I had to realize that God had a plan for me. But I would never be able to fully walk in it, until I fully trusted and leaned on Him, and until I was willing to master my demons.I had to let go of the excuses and the fault-finding, and make the decision to get on the right track, and stay on it! I had to learn to fully embrace freedom! Since I did not feel prepared for this stage, or place in my life, I continued to falter. But as I learned to see that the familiar pits that I had set for myself, were leading to familiar spirits, (Leviticus 19:31, Isaiah 8:19), devastating consequences, etc. the light bulb in my head began to go off. After which, my mind was able to make the best strides into the future that God had for me. The Bible says it like this, "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed (John 8:36). So why do we continue to hold ourselves back because of our own stubborn wills? Why do we continue to hold on to rebellion, continuing to delay and/or miss our destiny? I can tell you that I feel that at some point, we have all dealt with familiar pits. It doesn't have to be the end though. The enemy want us to believe that familiar pits is the only way to live. But, God has still given us the choice tho make though. And what matters the most is how we readjust and/or correct ourselves, our focus, our lives, once we realize the route that we repeatedly chose to take. The fact of the matter is that God has a plan for each of our lives! So let's make the right choice to follow Him completely and totally! Let us make the decision to release ourselves from the grasps of "familiar pits", so that we can truly follow God, and do His will!