Lately (or recently), I have really become an advocate for healing and wholeness on this journey of life. After holding on to my own pain for so long, God had to remind me that I had a greater calling on my life. I had the calling to serve Him, and minister to those who were/are lost and confused. God reminded me that in order to free those who were held captive, lost, or trapped, I had to be free too.
Because I was so comfortable in my pain, I allowed myself to be trappd in my trauma. It wasn't until I finally decided to allow God to do the work in me that He intended, that I also allowed my healing process to begin. God brought forth all of my own issues and insecurities so that I could be face to face with this hurt, and allow myself to be healed and made whole.
As long as I held on to my own hurt and pain, God could not use me for His ordained purpose. I had to learn that I could only be used as a vessel in the healing others, if I was healthy, healed, and whole myself. It was at this point that I realized that you speak life into people, things, and situations so much better and easier, if/when you are speaking from a healed and whole place.
So, I encourage and minister to anybody that while it is scary and it may hurt, make the choice to get/be healed and whole for the work that you are meant to do, according to God's plan. Don't stay in the pit because of your pain! Don't continue to make pits for yourself either-because you want to stay and wallow in your pain-instead of getting the mindset to be healed and set free. Finally, don't stay trapped in your trauma! It only hinders you, your mind, and your soul/spirit. Instead, make the choice to be healed, whole, set free, and redeemed by the Master's hand. He specializes in redemption and restoration to anyone who needs it, and are willing to do whatever is necessary to get/receive it. Even on days when healing seems hard to find or hard to accomplish, make the decision to chase it! For it's so worth it if/when you do!