I have come to know the feeling when I have given everything over to God, and He has taken care of me. I have come to learn to simply say "But God", when I have run out of words to say, when He continues to protect and cover me. There have been so many times when I allowed the trials and troubles of life to hold me bound, losing my focus on Him. But in these times, He has also taught me that as long as I continue to try/attempt to handle things on my own, I will continue to fail/falter. As life continued to knock me down, I had to realize that I was not meant to handle everything on my own! Honestly, none of us were created to handle things on our own! We were all created to do His will for our lives, and allow Him to take care of us, while we are doing it. In changing my perspective on things, it also changed my entire attitude and behaviors (within and towards others), regarding the things I have had to face in life. And with this change, came humility, peace, and self-control. And in these moments, as I reflect on how He has both covered and changed me for the better, I simply have to say, But God"! How often we make it harder on ourselves to try and handle things on our own, and becoming completely drained, disappointed, and discouraged, as our own continual efforts fail over and over again. We must learn to step back, and allow His work to take place in our lives, as this will change our current situation(s), as well as, our current negative attitudes and behavior. Once we learn how this further prevents us from growing in Him, and experiencing continual joy and peace in/with Him, we would also learn not to invest so much time in trying to make things work ourselves. And once we give everything over to Him, and it is worked out for the very best, (even better than it would have worked out if we tried to do it ourselves) we would also learn to say, "But God"! So in the words of the late and great Billy Graham, "If we make our troubles an opportunity to learn more of God's love and His power to aid and bless, then they will teach us to have a firmer confidence in His providence. As a result, the brightness of His love will fill our lives".
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