"From the Christian perspective, God is perfectly whole-or Holy". "We are created in His image and therefore created to be whole". (Jsoh Grover 2016) So many people tend to depend on others for their individual wholeness. It seems they feel that true wholeness has to come from someone else in their lives or thrugh some other teaching rather than that of the word of God. For a long time, I was just like this! I would look to other people and other resources to make me whole. I felt that I needed this validation from others and other sources, in order to be whole. I never realized that the entire act of wholeness simply came from my own decision to be made whole (from whatever had happened to me in this life)! In doing so, I locked onto other people and possessions because I thought I needed to, so that I could be made whole. But life has taught me that true wholeness comes from within. I had to learn that in order for me to be whole, I had to partake in actions and corrections to make myself whole! It was here that I learned that my wholeness had to come from the work God was doing in me presently (as well as the past and future), as well as the work that I had to put into myself to heal from all pain, struggles, and brokenness. I also had to learn that real wholeness started only, with my wanting to be made whole, first, and taking the necessary steps to do so. Wholness comes from within! It is never someone else's responsiblity or job to make you whole! When we give someone else or something else this much power over us, it always leads to detrimental consequences! This is simply because we made the mistake in giving someone else or something else this much power over us! We place oursleves in continual traps and various traumas when we operate in this way! We should only be clay to God, not to others! No one else or nothing else should have the power to mold us into something completely different from what we were supposed to become! It is only the work of the Lord that molds us into who we are supposed to be for His purposes! This was a valuable lesson that I learned! And through these experiences, I finally grasped that wholeness comes from me only! It comes from you only! It comes from you wanting absolute healing and freedom from pain and suffering, that has held you bound (and will continue to bind you if you allow it to). Be willing to be made whole on your own! Never give someone else so much power over you that they dictate your emotions and decide for you, if you will be whole to begin with or even whole again! Be willing to accept your own faults, flaws, and failures, so that you can be madevwhole. Realize that in addressing our own stuff, our issues, appropriately, thoroughly, and completely, we are able to get rid of the junk within us that we hold onto, that keeps us from being whole! It has always been God's intentions for us to be whole! "For in Him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority". (Colossians 2:9-10)
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